عن الملكية الفكرية التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية إذكاء الاحترام للملكية الفكرية التوعية بالملكية الفكرية الملكية الفكرية لفائدة… الملكية الفكرية و… الملكية الفكرية في… معلومات البراءات والتكنولوجيا معلومات العلامات التجارية معلومات التصاميم الصناعية معلومات المؤشرات الجغرافية معلومات الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية مراجع الملكية الفكرية تقارير الملكية الفكرية حماية البراءات حماية العلامات التجارية حماية التصاميم الصناعية حماية المؤشرات الجغرافية حماية الأصناف النباتية (الأوبوف) تسوية المنازعات المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية حلول الأعمال التجارية لمكاتب الملكية الفكرية دفع ثمن خدمات الملكية الفكرية هيئات صنع القرار والتفاوض التعاون التنموي دعم الابتكار الشراكات بين القطاعين العام والخاص أدوات وخدمات الذكاء الاصطناعي المنظمة العمل مع الويبو المساءلة البراءات العلامات التجارية التصاميم الصناعية المؤشرات الجغرافية حق المؤلف الأسرار التجارية أكاديمية الويبو الندوات وحلقات العمل إنفاذ الملكية الفكرية WIPO ALERT إذكاء الوعي اليوم العالمي للملكية الفكرية مجلة الويبو دراسات حالة وقصص ناجحة في مجال الملكية الفكرية أخبار الملكية الفكرية جوائز الويبو الأعمال الجامعات الشعوب الأصلية الأجهزة القضائية الموارد الوراثية والمعارف التقليدية وأشكال التعبير الثقافي التقليدي الاقتصاد المساواة بين الجنسين الصحة العالمية تغير المناخ سياسة المنافسة أهداف التنمية المستدامة التكنولوجيات الحدودية التطبيقات المحمولة الرياضة السياحة ركن البراءات تحليلات البراءات التصنيف الدولي للبراءات أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار أَردي – البحث لأغراض الابتكار قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات مرصد مدريد قاعدة بيانات المادة 6(ثالثاً) تصنيف نيس تصنيف فيينا قاعدة البيانات العالمية للتصاميم نشرة التصاميم الدولية قاعدة بيانات Hague Express تصنيف لوكارنو قاعدة بيانات Lisbon Express قاعدة البيانات العالمية للعلامات الخاصة بالمؤشرات الجغرافية قاعدة بيانات الأصناف النباتية (PLUTO) قاعدة بيانات الأجناس والأنواع (GENIE) المعاهدات التي تديرها الويبو ويبو لكس - القوانين والمعاهدات والأحكام القضائية المتعلقة بالملكية الفكرية معايير الويبو إحصاءات الملكية الفكرية ويبو بورل (المصطلحات) منشورات الويبو البيانات القطرية الخاصة بالملكية الفكرية مركز الويبو للمعارف الاتجاهات التكنولوجية للويبو مؤشر الابتكار العالمي التقرير العالمي للملكية الفكرية معاهدة التعاون بشأن البراءات – نظام البراءات الدولي ePCT بودابست – نظام الإيداع الدولي للكائنات الدقيقة مدريد – النظام الدولي للعلامات التجارية eMadrid الحماية بموجب المادة 6(ثالثاً) (الشعارات الشرفية، الأعلام، شعارات الدول) لاهاي – النظام الدولي للتصاميم eHague لشبونة – النظام الدولي لتسميات المنشأ والمؤشرات الجغرافية eLisbon UPOV PRISMA UPOV e-PVP Administration UPOV e-PVP DUS Exchange الوساطة التحكيم قرارات الخبراء المنازعات المتعلقة بأسماء الحقول نظام النفاذ المركزي إلى نتائج البحث والفحص (CASE) خدمة النفاذ الرقمي (DAS) WIPO Pay الحساب الجاري لدى الويبو جمعيات الويبو اللجان الدائمة الجدول الزمني للاجتماعات WIPO Webcast وثائق الويبو الرسمية أجندة التنمية المساعدة التقنية مؤسسات التدريب في مجال الملكية الفكرية الدعم المتعلق بكوفيد-19 الاستراتيجيات الوطنية للملكية الفكرية المساعدة في مجالي السياسة والتشريع محور التعاون مراكز دعم التكنولوجيا والابتكار نقل التكنولوجيا برنامج مساعدة المخترعين WIPO GREEN WIPO's PAT-INFORMED اتحاد الكتب الميسّرة اتحاد الويبو للمبدعين WIPO Translate أداة تحويل الكلام إلى نص مساعد التصنيف الدول الأعضاء المراقبون المدير العام الأنشطة بحسب كل وحدة المكاتب الخارجية المناصب الشاغرة المشتريات النتائج والميزانية التقارير المالية الرقابة
Arabic English Spanish French Russian Chinese
القوانين المعاهدات الأحكام التصفح بحسب كل ولاية قضائية

المعاهدات التي تديرها الويبو

تصدير إلى إكسل
الأطراف المتعاقدة اتفاقية باريس وثيقة استكهولم (1967) (مجموع الأعضاء: 178)
الأعضاء توقيع صكّ ساري المفعول تفاصيل
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">25</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1995
ديسمبر 1995
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: مايو 1994
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1975
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">10</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1972
سبتمبر 1975
أغسطس 1972
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 2017
مايو 2017
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1995
أكتوبر 1995
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1970
سبتمبر 1970
Stockholm Act (1967): Dates apply to the Federal Republic of Germany.
German Democratic Republic - Accession: June 20, 1968; Entry into force - Articles 1 to 12: April 26 or May 19, 1970; Articles 13 to 30: April 26, 1970 - the validity of this accession was contested by a certain number of Member States. Date of ceasing to be a party: October 3, 1990.
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) also applied to Land Berlin with effect from the date on which it entered into force for the Federal Republic of Germany. (see Paris Notification No. 23)
أنتيغوا وبربودا
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1999
مارس 2000
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 2004
يونيو 2004
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 2007
ديسمبر 2007
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1979
ديسمبر 1979
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on November 19, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the Eastern Republic of Uruguay, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 48)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: أغسطس 1993
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1973
أكتوبر 1973
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1992
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">10</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1972
أبريل 1972
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Spanish State in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Spanish State, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">24</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1994
أغسطس 1994
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يوليو 1969
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يوليو 1969
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1991
مايو 1991
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1999
يونيو 1999
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 190)
يناير 1968
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">5</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1997
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1979
سبتمبر 1997
ديسمبر 1979
إيران (جمهورية-الإسلامية)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1998
مارس 1999
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 191)
يناير 1968
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مارس 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مارس 1968
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1994
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1984
أبريل 1995
ديسمبر 1984
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1977
أبريل 1977
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Italian Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on April 29, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Italian Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">8</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1980
أكتوبر 1980
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 1972
يوليو 1972
الإمارات العربية المتحدة
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1996
سبتمبر 1996
الاتحاد الروسي
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1968
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">29</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1997
أكتوبر 1997
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أغسطس 1992
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
نوفمبر 1992
مارس 1975
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أبريل 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Portuguese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 25, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Portuguese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Application of the Stockholm Act (1967) to Macau: May 12, 1999; Entry into force: August 12, 1999. Cessation of responsibility: December 20, 1999. (see Paris Notification No. 194 and No. 196)
البوسنة والهرسك
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1993
مارس 1992
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
الجبل الأسود
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 2006
يونيو 2006
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أبريل 1975
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by a declaration requesting that note be taken of "the reservation expressed by [the said] Government as regards the so-called colonial clause". (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 62)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 62)
الجمهورية التشيكية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1992
يناير 1993
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "Contrary to the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples put down in the Charter of the United Nations and in the Declaration No. 1514/G.A. UNO, concerning the granting of independence to colonial countries, article 24 contains the so called colonial clause which is not in conformity with the main principles of international law." (see Paris Notification No. 28)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on June 11, 1991. (see Paris Notification No. 127)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 4, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 27)
الجمهورية العربية السورية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">13</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 2002
ديسمبر 2002
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 207)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 15, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Syrian Arab Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1970
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1993
فبراير 1994
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1968
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1984
أبريل 1984
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يوليو 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أغسطس 1969
أكتوبر 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1984
مارس 1985
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 114)
The Stockholm Act (1967) applies also to Hong Kong, China with effect from July 1, 1997, and to Macao, China with effect from December 20, 1999. (see Paris Notification No. 178 and No. 197)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1975
يناير 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 77)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أبريل 1980
يوليو 1980
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أبريل 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Federal Republic of Cameroon in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 22, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Federal Republic of Cameroon, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
الكرسي الرسولي
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أبريل 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Holy See in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 16, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Holy See, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1975
ديسمبر 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the People's Republic of the Congo in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on January 23, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the People's Republic of the Congo, which is a member of the Paris Union, may, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 42)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the People's Republic of the Congo.
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 2014
ديسمبر 2014
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أبريل 1971
أغسطس 1971
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 14, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Morocco, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 1976
يوليو 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the United Mexican States in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on June 13, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the United Mexican States, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 39)
المملكة العربية السعودية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">11</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 2003
مارس 2004
المملكة المتحدة
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1969
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1969
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">8</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مارس 1974
يونيو 1974
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Norway in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on July 22, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Norway, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 26)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">11</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مايو 1973
أغسطس 1973
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">6</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Niger in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 24, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Niger, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1998
ديسمبر 1998
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 188)
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مايو 1973
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">25</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مايو 1970
أغسطس 1973
سبتمبر 1970
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1975
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أكتوبر 1975
أبريل 1975
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">15</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 2006
فبراير 2007
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 214)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أبريل 1976
يوليو 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Greece in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 21, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Greece, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
بابوا غينيا الجديدة
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">15</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1999
يونيو 1999
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">25</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1994
مايو 1994
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 2004
يوليو 2004
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice.
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1984
مارس 1985
بروني دار السلام
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 2011
فبراير 2012
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">31</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1974
فبراير 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on May 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of Belgium, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
يناير 1968
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1970
مايو 1970
مايو 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 2000
يونيو 2000
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">29</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1990
مارس 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 122)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1996
أكتوبر 1996
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">9</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Dahomey in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 25, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Dahomey, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Republic of Dahomey.
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 2000
أغسطس 2000
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">15</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1998
أبريل 1998
بوركينا فاسو
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1975
سبتمبر 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Upper Volta in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Upper Volta, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Republic of the Upper Volta.
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">31</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1977
سبتمبر 1977
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): Ratification contained the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on July 21, 1994. (see Paris Notification No. 156)
Stockholm Act (1967): Signature and ratification by the Polish People's Republic.
Signature of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The provisions of Article 24 of the Paris Convention, giving member States the right to extend the effects of the said Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are out-of-date and contrary to Resolution No. 1514/XV passed by the General Assembly of the UN on December 14, 1960." (see Paris Notification No. 1)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Polish People's Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 15, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Polish People's Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
بوليفيا (دولة - متعددة القوميات)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">4</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أغسطس 1993
نوفمبر 1993
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">11</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1995
أبريل 1995
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: أبريل 1993
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 2008
أغسطس 2008
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 217)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">1</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: مارس 1995
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1994
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1976
فبراير 1995
مايو 1976
ترينيداد وتوباغو
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1988
أغسطس 1988
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1970
سبتمبر 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1975
أبريل 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Togolese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on December 5, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the Togolese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 40)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1976
أبريل 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 78)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Tunisia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Tunisia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 2001
يونيو 2001
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">24</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1999
ديسمبر 1999
جزر البهاما
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1976
مارس 1977
جزر القمر
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 2005
أبريل 2005
جمهورية أفريقيا الوسطى
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مايو 1978
سبتمبر 1978
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Central African Empire.
جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1974
يناير 1975
جمهورية تنزانيا المتحدة
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1983
ديسمبر 1983
جمهورية كوريا
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">1</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1980
مايو 1980
جمهورية كوريا الشعبية الديمقراطية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1980
يونيو 1980
جمهورية لاو الديمقراطية الشعبية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">8</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1998
أكتوبر 1998
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 187)
جمهورية مولدوفا
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1993
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
جنوب أفريقيا
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 60)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of South Africa in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 17, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of South Africa, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: يناير 1994
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">13</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 2002
مايو 2002
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1999
أغسطس 1999
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1983
مارس 1984
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1969
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1969
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1977
مايو 1977
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">29</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1981
ديسمبر 1981
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 2013
سبتمبر 2013
سان تومي وبرينسيبي
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1998
مايو 1998
سان مارينو
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1991
يونيو 1991
سانت فنسنت وجزر غرينادين
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">29</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1995
أغسطس 1995
سانت كيتس ونيفس
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1995
أبريل 1995
سانت لوسيا
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">9</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1995
يونيو 1995
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 164)
سري لانكا
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">20</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1978
سبتمبر 1978
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1992
يناير 1993
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "Contrary to the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples put down in the Charter of the United Nations and in the Declaration No. 1514/G.A. UNO, concerning the granting of independence to colonial countries, article 24 contains the so called colonial clause which is not in conformity with the main principles of international law." (see Paris Notification No. 28)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. This declaration was withdrawn on June 11, 1991. (see Paris Notification No. 127)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 4, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 27)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">12</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1992
يونيو 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1994
فبراير 1995
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1976
نوفمبر 1975
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1970
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1997
يونيو 1997
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أغسطس 2002
نوفمبر 2002
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">13</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1991
يونيو 1991
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 2006
أبريل 1992
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1994
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 1999
يوليو 1999
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 192)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">6</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مارس 1975
يونيو 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Gabonese Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 24, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Gabonese Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1991
يناير 1992
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1976
سبتمبر 1976
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1998
سبتمبر 1998
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1998
أغسطس 1998
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 184)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">25</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1994
أكتوبر 1994
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1981
فبراير 1982
غينيا - بيساو
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1988
يونيو 1988
غينيا الاستوائية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1997
يونيو 1997
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: مايو 1975
أغسطس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the French Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on May 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the French Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 21)
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the French Republic, referring to Article 24, paragraph (1), of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, declares that the said Convention shall be applicable to the territory of the French Republic in Europe, to the departments of Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Reunion, and to the overseas territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, St. Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna Islands and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 70)
فنزويلا (جمهورية - البوليفارية)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">9</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1995
سبتمبر 1995
يوليو 1967
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يوليو 1975
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">8</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1970
أكتوبر 1975
سبتمبر 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">19</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 2023
يناير 2024
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 227)
فييت نام
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: أبريل 1981
يوليو 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice.
Stockholm Act (1967): Entry into force date given as date of unification of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam and the Republic of South Viet-Nam to form the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Declaration of continued application: April 7, 1981.
Republic of Viet-Nam: Accession: January 30, 1975; Entry into force: April 30, 1975.
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1983
أبريل 1984
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">5</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 2000
يوليو 2000
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1994
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
كابو فيردي
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">6</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 2022
يوليو 2022
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>إشعار باستمرار التطبيق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1993
ديسمبر 1991
Signature and ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) were accompanied by the following declaration: "At the time of the signing of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property; the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics deems it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention, providing the contracting parties with the possibility of extending the effects of the Convention to the territories for the external relations of which they are responsible, are antiquated and out of line with the Declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514/XV of December 14, 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 1 and No. 6)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 6)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إخطار/إشعار عن التعاقب:&nbsp;: يوليو 1992
أكتوبر 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1998
سبتمبر 1998
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1996
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">26</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1970
مايو 1996
يوليو 1970
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
أبريل 1975
Ratification of the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Republic of Cuba considers that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention are contrary to the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples (Resolution 1514 adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 14, 1960), in which is stressed the need to bring an end rapidly and unconditionally to colonialism in all its forms and manifestations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 61)
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 61)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of Cuba in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on January 15, 1968. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of Cuba, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 2)
كوت ديفوار
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">1</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1974
مايو 1974
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Republic of the Ivory Coast in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on August 21, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Republic of the Ivory Coast, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يوليو 1995
أكتوبر 1995
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1996
سبتمبر 1996
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">5</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 2021
فبراير 2022
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">5</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يوليو 1971
أكتوبر 1971
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1993
سبتمبر 1993
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">30</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1986
ديسمبر 1986
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">10</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on March 20, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 19)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">28</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1976
سبتمبر 1976
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Libyan Arab Republic also considers it necessary to declare that the provisions of Article 24 of the Paris Convention, providing for the possibility of the application of the said Convention to colonies and dependent territories, are in contradiction with the Charter of the United Nations and Resolution 1514 (XV) of December 14, 1960, of the General Assembly of the United Nations." (Translation) (see Paris Notification No. 85)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Libyan Arab Republic.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 85)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مايو 1994
أغسطس 1994
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: فبراير 1994
مايو 1994
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: فبراير 1972
مايو 1972
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1989
سبتمبر 1989
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 121)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">7</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: سبتمبر 1977
ديسمبر 1977
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1982
مارس 1983
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1988
يناير 1989
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يناير 1972
أبريل 1972
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1974
مارس 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 54)
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the United Arab Republic in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 28, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the United Arab Republic, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
مقدونيا الشمالية
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">23</span>إخطار/إشعار عن التعاقب:&nbsp;: يوليو 1993
سبتمبر 1991
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 18, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">11</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1970
يونيو 1970
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">16</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يناير 1985
أبريل 1985
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) was accompanied by the following declaration: "The Government of the Mongolian People's Republic considers that the provisions of Article 24 of the Convention are contrary to the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (Resolution 1514/XV adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 14 December 1960)." (see Paris Notification No. 115)
Accession to the Stockholm Act (1967) by the Mongolian People's Republic.
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 115)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1976
سبتمبر 1976
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on October 26, 1973. Pursuant to the said Article, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 47)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">21</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: يونيو 1976
سبتمبر 1976
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">9</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 1998
يوليو 1998
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">27</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: يونيو 1975
أكتوبر 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Principality of Monaco in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on December 14, 1972. Pursuant to the said Article, the Principality of Monaco, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 41)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">29</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 2003
يناير 2004
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">22</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 2001
يونيو 2001
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أبريل 1996
يوليو 1996
Stockholm Act (1967): With the declaration provided for in Article 28(2) relating to the International Court of Justice. (see Paris Notification No. 171)
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">14</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: مارس 1984
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">17</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 2018
يونيو 1984
مارس 2019
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">2</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: أغسطس 1983
نوفمبر 1983
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">3</span>إنضمام:&nbsp;: نوفمبر 1993
فبراير 1994
يناير 1968
يناير 1968
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1969
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">18</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: ديسمبر 1969
أبريل 1970
أبريل 1970
هولندا (مملكة _)
يوليو 1967
<span style="color: #1a1a1a;">9</span>تصديق:&nbsp;: أكتوبر 1974
يناير 1975
Stockholm Act (1967): A notification was deposited by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in which that Government indicated its desire to avail itself of the provisions of Article 30(2) of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention. That notification entered into force on the date of its receipt, that is, on September 11, 1970. Pursuant to the said Article, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was a member of the Paris Union, could, for five years from April 26, 1970, the date of entry into force of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), exercise the rights provided under Articles 13 to 17 of the Stockholm Act of the Paris Convention, as if it were bound by those Articles. (see Paris Notification No. 29)
Stockholm Act (1967): Ratification for the Kingdom in Europe, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The Netherlands Antilles ceased to exist on October 10, 2010. As from that date, the Stockholm Act continues to apply to Curaçao and Sint Maarten. The Stockholm Act also continues to apply to the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, and Saba which, with effect from October 10, 2010, have become part of the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe. (see Paris Notification No. 116)